Devotional on John 21:22
In John 21:22, Jesus responds to Peter’s inquiry about John, saying, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!” This exchange captures a vital aspect of our faith journey: the call to focus on our own path rather than being distracted by others.
At the time, Peter, having just received an important commission from Jesus, was curious about John’s future. This moment illustrates a common human tendency—focusing on what others are doing instead of concentrating on our personal walk with God. Jesus redirects Peter’s attention from John’s destiny back to His own personal calling. This is a powerful reminder that our relationship with Christ is uniquely our own, shaped by His plans for us rather than by the actions or paths of those around us.
In our lives, it’s easy to get sidetracked. We may find ourselves envious of what others have, questioning why someone else’s journey appears smoother, or even desiring to know the details of their divine calling. Jesus’ redirect to Peter challenges us to shift our perspective. We are called to faithfully pursue our own relationship with Him and the unique mission He has set before us.
When we commit to this focus, we are freed from comparison and worry. We anchor ourselves in a deepening relationship with Christ, finding our identity and purpose not in the shadows of others but in His light. The question He poses to Peter invites us to ask ourselves: “What is that to you?” Each believer is crafted for a specific purpose, and trying to chart someone else’s course can lead us adrift.
In essence, let us heed Jesus’ command to follow Him wholeheartedly. Embracing our personal faith journey with zeal allows us to discover the fullness of God’s plan, trusting that He will equip us for the path we are meant to walk.
Thank You and God Bless